Four examples of when couples therapy is preferable to individual therapy

Seeking therapy is never a bad decision. Every human can benefit from a healing modality in which a compassionate and professional practitioner gives undivided attention, uses experience and education to provide support and help, and whose job description is your wellbeing. If you are conflicted, unhappy, in crisis, in transition, struggling with mental health symptoms, or just feeling out of sorts and at sea, looking into therapy is a positive move.

Steps to improve a relationship

Every relationship hits a rough patch. These can be little stumbling blocks that are over quickly, or bigger issues that leave you wondering whether your relationship is about to end. Sometimes this trouble is very apparent, and sometimes it sneaks up on you. But once you’ve spotted it, you can take action to try and get things back to stable ground. There’s no guarantee that you’ll absolutely be able to save your relationship, but if you’re both invested in making things work, taking some of these steps will get you back on track so you can start rebuilding a new and stronger partnership.

Ways to Cope with a fourth wave of Covid-19 in Texas

As Texas is experiencing a surge in COVID-19 it is normal to feel both depressed and anxious. Depression could be caused by sadness that so many people are sick and dying or that it is recommended that we go back into quarantine and social distance to deal with the latest surge. There also might be anger and sadness that family members and friends are not doing these things or refusing to get vaccinated which makes you worry about their health and safety.

Four ways to get to know your partner early in your relationship

First dates can feel very superficial. Both of you are doing your best to impress each other, and it can be uncomfortable. You may not want to talk about all your feelings right away, and your partner might not be comfortable sharing yet either. But it’s important to learn about each other relatively early in the relationship, so that you both know whether it’s worth investing more time and emotional energy in developing it.

Four questions to ask when you and your partner have different values

People’s values are a large part of their identity. Someone’s religion, environmental stance, political feelings, and any number of other factors are part of creating who they are. We would all like to think that we will fall in love with someone who shares our values, but the truth is that it’s unlikely you’ll find someone who matches up with every value you hold

How to maintain intimacy in relationships when life gets busy

Early in a relationship, you and your partner can’t stop thinking about each other. You constantly want to touch each other, and they’re all you can think about. As the relationship progresses and your lives get busier, that intimacy starts to fade. At first it doesn’t seem like a big issue, but further down the line it puts a real strain on the relationship.

Four ways to support your partner's mental health

Just as it’s challenging to live with a mental illness, it’s also challenging to live with someone who struggles with mental health. You want to help them, because you care. But the path isn’t always clear, and it’s hard to know how you can be a good advocate and ally. You need to understand their mental illness, support them, and continue to build your relationship.

My Partner Doesn’t Want to Do Couples Therapy. Now What?

Have you and your partner been struggling in your relationship recently? Perhaps you’ve been fighting frequently, or maybe you’ve been disagreeing about major future decisions.You might feel you’re at a loss for what to do next, but you’ve considered scheduling a session with a couples therapist for support. Yet when you asked your partner about their thoughts on couples therapy, they said that they did not want to go.

Five Ways To Have A Positive Relationship With Your Partner’s Family

When you join your life with someone else’s, it is possible that you will clash with their family. Even if things aren’t explosively awful, bringing two families together can be a delicate process, which requires care and attention. If you put in the effort though, you can build a truly positive relationship that will be a valuable part of your life. Here are some methods to try to make the process go more smoothly.

3 Ways You Can Show Your Spouse You Appreciate Them and Why This Matters

Do you want to make your spouse feel special? Finding new ways to show your appreciation for them can revitalize your marriage.Why is showing your spouse appreciation so important? When you’ve been married to someone for years, it’s all too easy to stop going the extra mile for the sake of romance. Maybe you don’t plan out special dates anymore, or perhaps you feel you just don’t have the time to surprise your spouse.

How to Keep Things Fresh When You’ve Been Married a Long Time

A relationship that is built on trust, mutual understanding, and love that has survived the trials of life is certainly to be cherished. However, over time even the best relationship can feel stale and perhaps even a little boring. Yet, with some creativity and a willingness to try new things, couples can still keep things fresh. Here are few ideas for how you can make this happen with your partner.