Marriage Counseling

Three suggestions to support your partner's mental health

Your partner may not be experiencing optimal mental health this holiday season. Short days, family conflict, and being stretched thin are the downsides to the holiday season. If your partner is feeling depressed or anxious you are probably trying to do whatever you can to help. Here are three tips that can be helpful to your partner and your relationship.

Managing three stressful occurrences for couples during the holiday season

The holiday season is upon us! Many people are finding it hard to believe that Thanksgiving is in a few days and that 2023 will soon be coming to a close. A lot of people have spent this year travelling and resuming more of a pre-covid lifestyle. Although a common phrase is that this is the most wondeful time of the year, a lot of individuals and couples struggle now.

Two common topics that people discuss in couples counseling

Some people are unsure what is discussed in couples counseling. There are TV shows that simulate couples’ sessions and you may wonder how accurate some of those shows are. From being an experienced couple’s counselor, I can tell you that topics that are discussed can vary from couple to couple and I strongly believe in understanding the dynamic between the couple and how to make the relationship work best for both people.

Four tips to maximize success in couples therapy

If you have decided to start couples therapy, I applaud you! Making the decision that you want to try getting professional help is the first step in doing the hard work to improve your relationship or get more clarity on relationship dynamics. Now that you have decided to invest time and money in the process, there are things you can do to maximize the success of the process.

Topics to discuss to rekindle connection in a long-term relationship

Many times, I work with couples who have been together for many years. A common theme I come across is that the relationship has become stale or unexciting and the couple feels disconnected. Another issue is that talk is always around serious subjects such as money, careers, family drama, or bad news about others. When this occurs, talking about positive things can be very helpful to bring back feelings of warmth and appreciation into the relationship

Two suggestions if you are considering if you want to stay in your relationship

All relationships have their ups and downs. When things are going well, relationships can be a great source of comfort, fun, and fulfillment. Unfortunately during rough periods, there can be a lot of stress pain, and emotional upheaval. If you start to feel that you may be better off leaving the relationship a lot of stress or panic can ensue.

Three suggestions to improve your relationship in the new year

For many people, 2021 has been a stressful and complicated year. When people are stressed and going through a hard time, relationship satisfaction can decrease, and conflict as a couple can increase. If you feel your relationship could use improvement in 2022, here are some tips on how to stay close and connected in the new year.

Two issues for couples to consider during the holiday season

The holiday season of 2021 has arrived! Many people are now feeling disoriented. COVID-19 continues to persist, the economic environment is uncertain and some of us have not gathered with our families and friends for a long time. Although the holiday season has been called “the most wonderful time of the year”, sadly many individuals and couples struggle.