Three tips to excel in your next interview

After working on your resume and applying for many jobs there is some good news, you have been selected for an interview. Congratulations! Unfortunately, interviewing is stressful. It is a high pressure situation and even more so if it is a job that you especially want or need. Other stressful factors include how long you have been unemployed, whether you have a lot going on in your personal life, and feeling either burned out from having too many interviews or nervous because there are high stakes since you have had too few interviews.

Three tips if you are searching for work over the holiday season

Are you looking for a job this holiday season? It is commonly believed that it is very hard to find a job over the holidays for several reasons. These include hiring managers and recruiters being on vacation causing delays, Employees of a company being focused on issues besides hiring as the year comes to a close, and uncertain budgets for the following fiscal year. Although this is true in certain circumstances, it is not out of the question to get an employment offer over the holidays

Three suggestions to support your partner's mental health

Your partner may not be experiencing optimal mental health this holiday season. Short days, family conflict, and being stretched thin are the downsides to the holiday season. If your partner is feeling depressed or anxious you are probably trying to do whatever you can to help. Here are three tips that can be helpful to your partner and your relationship.

Anxious Thoughts? 5 Tips to Quiet the Noise

Having anxiety is a fact of life. Unfortunately, some people have these persistent, worrying thoughts more often than others. But what are you to do when you hear these anxious thoughts and ideas more often than not? There are a variety of steps you can take to quell your anxiety. Here are five tips you can use in the moment to quiet your anxious thoughts

Managing three stressful occurrences for couples during the holiday season

The holiday season is upon us! Many people are finding it hard to believe that Thanksgiving is in a few days and that 2023 will soon be coming to a close. A lot of people have spent this year travelling and resuming more of a pre-covid lifestyle. Although a common phrase is that this is the most wondeful time of the year, a lot of individuals and couples struggle now.

Three things to consider regarding money and happiness

As a career counselor, I often have clients who tell me that they feel they’d be much happier if they had a job that made more money. Fortunately, there have been many studies done on this topic so there is ample research that can be helpful if you are navigating this topic. Please read below to learn some takeaways from this research that will hopefully be helpful as you consider this topic and how it affects your career.

Two common topics that people discuss in couples counseling

Some people are unsure what is discussed in couples counseling. There are TV shows that simulate couples’ sessions and you may wonder how accurate some of those shows are. From being an experienced couple’s counselor, I can tell you that topics that are discussed can vary from couple to couple and I strongly believe in understanding the dynamic between the couple and how to make the relationship work best for both people.

Four tips if you are feeling burned out at work

nfortunately, it is very common for employees to be feeling burned out. Many companies are going through layoffs which have the dual effecto f making employees stressed about retaining their jobs and also taking on an ever increasing workload that was previously assigned to co-workers. If you are feeling burned out at work, here are three tips that can be helpful.

Three tips if you have recently been laid off from your job

The job market has shifted dramatically in the past year. Many companies have laid off employees as they are trying to operate leaner in an uncertain economic environment. This has been particularly true in the technology industry and has affected people whose job it is to hire employees such as recruiters. Getting laid off can be very frightening and overwhelming.