Part 1: How to Fix Poor Communication in a Relationship

One of the most difficult things in a relationship is finding a communication style that works for both you and your partner. Communicating well is something that many couples take for granted. However, if your relationship has areas to improve upon in the communication department, do not worry. I am here to help. 

Poor communication skills can be fixed. This is certainly an aspect of a relationship that couples must work on in order to remain on the same page. I have taken the time to detail some ways you can begin to work on less-than-stellar communication in your relationship. 

Make Good Communication a Habit 

As the old saying goes, practice makes perfect! Regardless of the topic of conversation, you and your partner should always prioritize communicating well. By working on good communication at a smaller level, you can lay the groundwork for more difficult conversations. 

Start with daily check-ins about your partner’s feelings or how their workday went. This establishes a baseline of good communication. Additionally, it ensures that you feel safe and comfortable with one another’s emotions, giving you both a  great sense of trust.  

Be Open and Always Honest

Honesty is always the best policy. As cliche as it sounds, it would not be such a popular saying if it were not true. You should always be open and honest with your partner, even if you feel like an honest statement might hurt their feelings. By evading the truth, you begin to sprinkle seeds of doubt in your relationship. 

Being open with each other also further roots feelings of trust in one another. If you do not feel you can be open and honest, you may want to reevaluate the groundwork you have laid in your relationship.

Consider Timing 

Although you should always be honest with your partner, you should still consider the timing when initiating a serious discussion. If one of you is walking out the door for work or in the middle of an important task, that might not be the proper time to discuss something important, like finances. Instead, think about planning when you should have more difficult conversations. It may seem very regimented, but this way, you both can prepare yourselves and what you would like to say.

Practice Good Listening

Active listening goes a very long way when it comes to communication. It is evident that when someone is not truly listening to you, it certainly is not a good feeling. Instead of planning what you will say next, try putting your emotions out of your mind when your partner tells you something earnest. In line with this, pay attention to your body language when your partner speaks. Make sure you are making eye contact and not fidgeting around. By tuning in to your conversation with your whole body, you are letting your partner know that you are invested and ready to talk.

Set Boundaries With One Another

In every relationship, certain things may cross a line. Discuss boundaries and various topics you consider off-limits to prevent either of you from crossing a line. This will prevent you both from feeling neglected in your relationship. For example, if planning is a sore spot of communication, try planning events to attend together so that you both feel cared for.

Consider Getting Help 

Marriage counseling is a great way to practice communication in a safe environment. It also gives the added benefit of having an outside perspective on your relationship. If you and your partner are still struggling with proper communication, there is no shame in reaching out for help from a trained professional.

Once you make the choice to see a counselor, contact me me today. Let me help to empower you both to lead healthier lives and a healthier relationship.