Part 2: 5 Ways to be a Better Partner

Everyone wants to be the best partner in a relationship that they can be. It’s an intimidating topic, but we promise the following five steps will make it easier. If you want to be a better partner in your relationship, keep reading.

1. Work on Communication

Communication is key in any relationship. Even if you believe you have great communication skills, there are still likely aspects you can improve upon. Take some time to ask yourself the following questions to help find out how you can improve your communication:

  • Am I truly listening to my partner’s thoughts and opinions? Having a discussion is not just about speaking your truth; it’s about listening to your partner as well. Make sure you are an active listener in every conversation with your partner.

  • Do I walk away from a conversation feeling as if I conveyed my opinion? If you have a difficult topic to discuss with your partner, make sure you leave the conversation feeling as if you truly communicated your opinion.

  • Is my communication style effective with my partner’s style? Sometimes you may need to change your normal communication style to mesh better with your partner. Consider having a discussion to see how you both prefer to communicate.

2. Don’t Fear Confrontation 

The idea of getting into an argument with your partner can be intimidating. You may want to avoid confrontation at all costs. However, if you are both coming from a place of love and respect, there is no need to fear confrontation. It is much better to confront your partner about something that bothers you rather than bottling up your emotions. Think of confronting your partner about a behavior or action that upsets you as a teaching moment for you both. You are letting your partner know how you enjoy being treated as well as the added benefit of removing the stigma from confrontation.

3. Set Realistic Expectations

Every individual has limits. You cannot expect your partner to do everything you want perfectly all the time; that is simply unrealistic. However, you can set reasonable expectations for both you and your partner to adhere to. For example, you may value quality time above everything else. Consider setting an expectation that you should have a date night once a week. If your partner works out of town, though, this is likely an unrealistic expectation. Work within the bounds of your relationship and work together to set these goals.

4. Admit it When you are Wrong

Nobody likes a know-it-all! Similarly, no one likes a sore loser. If you make a mistake (and we all do; there’s nothing to be ashamed of), be sure to admit to your wrongdoing. It goes a long way when it comes to trust and faith in your partner. If this is particularly hard for you, consider your partner’s reaction when you fess up to a mistake. Are you afraid of how they will respond? Or are you embarrassed to be wrong? This is a great opportunity to work on communication and be the best partner you can be.

5. Show Them you Love Them

We all love to feel loved. Sometimes, it is as simple as writing “I love you” in a text or picking up flowers for your significant other on the walk home. Show your partner how much you love them every day, and your relationship will flourish. 

Becoming a better partner in your relationship can be difficult to manage alone. If you feel you have problem spots in your relationship or are interested in getting help to be a better significant other contact me. Review my website to learn more about how marriage counseling can help.