Treating Anxiety Without Medication

Almost everyone will experience anxiety in one form or another throughout their life. However, experiencing anxiety does not necessarily mean you need to take medication in order to treat it. There are plenty of alternative solutions to treat your anxiety! 

If you are interested in taking a more holistic approach to alleviate your anxiety or you simply are not ready to explore medication treatment, there are plenty of options. Here are some tips to help you cope with your anxiety sans medication. To learn more, keep reading.

Focus on Mindfulness and Meditation

Practicing mindfulness through meditation is a great way to quell anxiety. Mindfulness essentially forces you to focus on the present moment and allows you to live fully within your body. Being so centered in the present moment forces all of your worried and anxious thoughts out of your brain because there is no room for them.

Meditating is just one form of mindfulness. However, it is incredibly effective, and almost anyone can practice it anytime. Other forms of mindfulness include focusing on your breathing or practicing gentle yoga.

Create a Routine for Yourself

A lot of the time, anxiety really rears its head when you are idle. If you are busy, there is not as much time to get lost in anxiety-inducing thoughts. By planning and creating a routine, you take away time that you could have spent in an anxious loop. 

Along with a routine, consider planning out set times you allow yourself to worry. For example, if you experience social anxiety, plan an extra ten minutes to your routine before the event you are going to. Allow yourself to use these extra ten minutes as a time to indulge your anxious thoughts. After that, force yourself to push them away and try and move on as best you can.

Don’t Ignore Your Physical Health

Our health is incredibly dependent on each leg of the overall health triangle: physical, mental, and social. If you are not taking care of one of these legs, other aspects of your health will suffer. 

Your mental health is tied very closely to your physical health. There are several ways you can take care of your physical health to feel better mentally, including: 

  • Moving your body: When you move your body in a way that increases your heart rate, your brain releases endorphins, the feel-good hormone. Endorphins are a great, natural medicine to reduce anxiety levels. This does not necessarily have to be traditional forms of exercise if you do not want it to be. Dancing, yoga, and hiking are all great forms of movement.

  • Checking your diet: Consider limiting your sugar and caffeine intake if you are combating anxiety. These foods raise your blood sugar levels and heart rate, which can contribute to higher levels of anxiety. 

  • Watching substance intake: Illicit substances such as nicotine, alcohol, or marijuana all contribute to increasing your anxiety. Try phasing these substances out and notice how it makes you feel rather than quitting cold turkey all at once. 

Talk to a Therapist

Talk therapy is always a viable option when it comes to treating a mental health concern. There are plenty of different avenues you can take when it comes to therapy, including group therapy or a simple one-on-one session. Remember, you are not alone in your journey to coping with anxiety. There is no shame in reaching out to a trained professional for additional help or tips.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with wanting or needing medication for your anxiety. If that is a step you want to take, then I will be with you every step of the way. Or, if you would rather just try out talk therapy, I am also available for anxiety treatment. Contact me me today to get started.