6 Tips to Deal with Anxiety

Living with persistent anxiety makes everyday life that much more difficult. Getting pleasure from your day-to-day life becomes much harder when you are dealing with constant fear and worry. However, there are some steps you can take daily to help you keep your anxiety in check. To help round out your emotional toolbox, here are six tips you can utilize to deal with anxiety. To find out what works best for you, keep reading.

1. Practice Meditation and Mindfulness

Becoming reacquainted with your body is an incredibly effective way to force you back to the present moment and escape your worrying thoughts. Mindfulness is the term that encompasses this feeling. A great way to practice mindfulness is through meditation. There are dozens of ways you can work on meditation, including deep breathing. You can try guided meditations on YouTube or simply focus on a mantra. Try out different forms of meditation to see which you enjoy the most and which you find the most effective. Whatever works best for you is the practice you should continue.

2. Change How You Think and Talk About Yourself

Whether we like it or not, our thoughts and actions influence how we view ourselves. If you constantly berate yourself, both in your mind and out loud to others, it will change your perception of yourself. Try to practice positive thinking. Instead of thinking of all the ways a potential endeavor could go wrong, envision how you would feel if it went right. It might be difficult at first, but the more you practice it, the easier it gets.

3. Plan Out a Time to Worry

Change will not happen overnight. Even once you begin to deal with your anxiety head-on, you will still experience worry. Rather than spending excess time focusing on your anxious thoughts, set aside time where you can indulge these thoughts. For example, if you are experiencing social anxiety before an event, try putting aside your fears as you get ready. Then, for a short period of time before leaving (ideally no longer than five minutes!), take your time to feel your anxiety. Once your five minutes are up, continue on as normal.

4. Get Connected With Others

Millions of Americans live with anxiety. Chances are, you are not alone in your close group of friends and family when it comes to your anxious thoughts. Reach out to your loved ones and let them know you’ve been struggling. You are likely to hear back that they have been as well. If you do not feel comfortable talking to your friends and family, consider joining a support group. There are plenty of places you can find support, including online communities.

5. Find Your Favorite Forms of Self-care

Self-care does not always have to come in the form of an extreme spa day. Taking time to yourself to relax and love yourself comes in a variety of shapes and sizes. Going on a long walk while listening to your favorite podcast or painting your nails are great forms of self-care. Try on a variety of activities and see which feels best for you. This gives the added bonus of learning more about your likes and dislikes!

6. Talk With a Therapist

Seeking out therapy is always an available option for anxiety treatment. There is no shame in asking for additional help or finding extra resources to help yourself. If you ever feel like you need additional help or even if you just want someone to talk to, a therapist is there to help. Therapy is a proven way to help reduce anxiety. If you are in the market for a therapist, then take a look at my website. Contact me to get the help you need.