3 Ways You Can Show Your Spouse You Appreciate Them and Why This Matters


Do you want to make your spouse feel special? Finding new ways to show your appreciation for them can revitalize your marriage. 

Why is showing your spouse appreciation so important? When you’ve been married to someone for years, it’s all too easy to stop going the extra mile for the sake of romance. Maybe you don’t plan out special dates anymore, or perhaps you feel you just don’t have the time to surprise your spouse. 

Showing your spouse just how much you appreciate them is the key to keeping the spark alive. If you need some inspiration, these tips will help you put a smile on your spouse’s face. 

1. Help Out Without Being Asked

Think of a task that often takes your spouse a lot of time. Or consider a task that they wish they could do more regularly, but just don’t have room in their schedule for. For instance, maybe they wish they could deep clean the kitchen every weekend, dust the house more regularly, or they’ve been trying to get around to cleaning out the fridge. 

While they’re out of the house, you can take the opportunity to get the job done. Your spouse will be so happy to see that you’ve saved them a little time and energy without being asked. Whenever you notice that your spouse’s schedule is busier than usual, try to take on a couple of additional household responsibilities to make their life easier. 

People don’t always ask for help when they need it, so if you can tune into your spouse’s needs and step up when they’re feeling overwhelmed, they will be grateful.

2. Surprise Them

Everyone loves little surprises! You can make your spouse’s day by surprising them. And surprising your spouse doesn’t have to be expensive or elaborate. For instance, if they prefer to take their lunch to work, you could cook a nice meal, pack up a portion for them, and include a sweet note. Even if they don’t have a special occasion coming up, you could get them flowers “just because.” 

When you’re out running errands, you could stop by their favorite bakery or coffee shop and bring them home a sweet treat. If you hear them mention a book that they would like to read, you could secretly buy it for them. And if it’s been a while since the two of you went out on a real date, why not plan something special for an upcoming weekend and tell them to clear their schedule? 

3. Celebrate Their Achievements

People always appreciate it when they are recognized for their accomplishments. Getting compliments and congratulations feels good, and it’s a major confidence boost. One great way to show your spouse more appreciation is by openly celebrating their big wins. Maybe they just got a promotion at work, and you want to show them how proud you are. You could get them a special gift or plan a date at their favorite restaurant. 

And when you’re around your family and friends, don’t be afraid to brag about your spouse a little! Most people feel a little awkward talking about their own accomplishments, so you can do the talking for your spouse. If they’re comfortable with it, you could even share their big news on social media with a celebratory post. When your spouse knows that you’re proud of them, their accomplishments feel even more meaningful. Don’t hold back with praise!

Do you feel you and your spouse are growing distant? Marriage counseling can help you heal your relationship. Contact me today to discuss your options for scheduling your first session together.