Will Anxiety Be a Part of My Life Forever? Tips to Cope with Chronic Anxiety

When you have anxiety, it feels as if it’s always there, lingering in the background.

Sometimes though, it rises to the surface. At the least, it disrupts your day. At its worst, the anxiety can be debilitating. You wonder, “Will anxiety be a part of my life forever?”

The answer is an emphatic “No!”


Yet, with chronic anxiety, you can’t just have an approach that involves crossing your fingers, hoping that something will work. You need an overall management strategy that allows you to access different skills whenever the need arises.

Here are some tips that can help you cope with chronic anxiety.

Identify Your Anxiety Triggers

First, when attempting to cope with chronic anxiety, it’s important to understand where it comes from. That means identifying what triggers your anxiety, and why. Often we feel anxious because of a need to feel safe.

For many people, anxiety arises because they feel a lack of control or safety over a certain situation. For example:

  • Being exposed to germs.

  • Flying in an airplane.

  • Interacting with a crowd of people.

Anxiety also occurs when you feel overwhelmed and stressed. For instance, if you look at your schedule for the week, do you get anxious?

Develop a Range of Coping Skills

Next, to cope with anxiety, you need a broad range of skills that you can rely on when the need arises. Some of these skills include:

  • Breathing exercises so you can remain calm.

  • Questioning your anxiety, why it is occurring, and using logic.

  • Getting up and moving around when you feel anxious.

  • Reminders that you are capable and in control.

  • Knowing when you can remove yourself from a situation and how to do it effectively.

  • Accessing creative outlets such as writing, creating art, or physical expression like dancing.

  • Using mindfulness in the moment to take note of both your physical responses (breathing, heart rate, etc.) and also mental responses (negative self-talk).

Keep in mind that having just one coping skill isn’t enough. Developing proficiency in many coping skills not only provides you with more options but also increases your chances of effectively addressing your anxiety when it does occur.

Preventative Practices for Anxiety

Because of the nature of chronic anxiety, which involves the continual reoccurrence of the condition, it’s useful to incorporate preventative practices into your overall strategy. This includes:

  • Incorporating physical exercise into your everyday routine. When you exercise your body releases endorphins, which are helpful for staying in a positive mood.

  • Maintaining a healthy diet and avoiding using food as a means to cope with anxiety.

  • Refraining from caffeine, alcohol, and drug use.

  • Getting enough rest each evening.

When you think about it, the things that you can do to prevent anxiety are similar to maintaining an overall healthy lifestyle.

Creating Positive Social Connections

An effective way to cope with anxiety is by creating and nurturing positive social connections. This includes family and friends, but also through clubs, recreational activities, faith communities, and even work relationships.

When you feel more connected with others, especially those who are like-minded, it’s very affirming. You can be more relaxed, less stressed, and ultimately less anxious.

Treatment for Chronic Anxiety

A final component of an overall strategy for coping with chronic anxiety includes therapy. Therapy is important so that you can have access to resources and support. Also, a therapist will be very understanding and they can teach you many of the skills you need. They will help you get to the root of why you experience anxiety and to resolve those issues.

Just because you have chronic anxiety doesn’t mean that you are doomed to struggle with it forever. By developing a strategy, you can effectively manage anxiety. This includes participating in counseling. Contact me today to learn more about anxiety treatment