Three tips if you are feeling anxious this holiday season

Thanksgiving 2021 has arrived! Unfortunately, many people are feeling anxious this holiday season. There are things associated with this time of year such as crowds at stores and shopping centers, visiting family, and buying gifts. There are also unusual things such as the wear and tear the pandemic has taken on our mental health which could include worrying about yourself or others getting sick or mourning those we have lost since last holiday season. Understandably, you may be feeling anxious at this time. Here are some tips that can help alleviate your anxiety

Focus on your breathing and the present

When people are anxious, their heartbeat increases, they can feel clammy and breathing becomes irregular. When feeling anxious our biological mechanism is to go into fight or flight mode which causes dysregulation from our normal state. One of the most important things you can do is try to stay calm and focus on your breathing. One thing you can try is to breathe in through your nose for four seconds, hold your breath for 4 additional seconds and then exhale through your mouth for a final 4 seconds. Do that several times and you should feel calmer. It can also help to focus on the present to ground yourself. That would include thoughts like today is Saturday or I am in my bedroom or notice your surroundings by noticing your lamp in your room or a green plant in your kitchen. Focusing on the present brings you back to a state of being in the moment, which is helpful.

Go for a walk or do more intense exercise

You probably know that exercising releases endorphins and makes people feel better. There are many physical and mental health benefits to exercise. Often, people who consider themselves out of shape are thinking that walking is of no use. That is not true! Taking a brisk walk for about 30 minutes can be very helpful to your mental health. If you can walk outside that usually helps people feel better as well although if you are using a treadmill or want to avoid cold weather that is fine as well. It can be hard to motivate yourself to exercise. Slow and steady wins the race! If you push yourself to go for that walk you will most likely appreciate it later when you feel better for it. Some people use walking time to listen to music to further relax or to talk with family or friends with who they find comfort in speaking. The important thing is to do what works for you and to use the time for relaxation as opposed to work or having stressful conversations.

Take time for yourself

Although Thanksgiving and Christmas are usually a time for family gatherings, it is important to take time for yourself and do something you like. If you have time off from work, hopefully, you can enjoy that time to at least do something to recharge and relax. If you are introverted and value alone time, spend some time reading a book or watching a funny television show. If you are more extroverted, take time to go spend more time with your friends or family. The activity you do in your “me” time will vary based on your interests and hobbies, but the important thing is to do something that will make you feel happier and refreshed during the holidays, instead of stressed out or miserable.

The holidays can be a stressful and anxiety-provoking time for anyone. If you are feeling anxious, focusing on your breathing, exercising, and taking time for yourself can help. If you try these things and are still feeling anxious, counseling for anxiety treatment is available. Contact me today for a free consultation.